Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nriot | RIOT C++ namespace |
▼Ntesting | Namespace for cpp unit tests |
Ctest | Test base class |
Ctest_suite | Test suite base class |
Cadopt_lock_t | Tag type for adopt lock strategy |
Ccondition_variable | C++11 compliant implementation of condition variable, uses the time point implemented in our chrono replacement instead of the specified one |
Cdefer_lock_t | Tag type for defer lock strategy |
Cirq_lock | RAII based IRQ lock |
Clock_guard | C++11 compliant implementation of unique lock |
Cmutex | C++11 compliant implementation of mutex, uses the time point implemented in our chrono replacement instead of the specified one |
Cthread | C++11 compliant implementation of thread, however uses the time point from out chrono header instead of the specified one |
Cthread_data | Holds context data for the thread |
Cthread_data_deleter | This deleter prevents our thread data from being destroyed if the thread object is destroyed before the thread had a chance to run |
Cthread_id | Implementation of thread::id |
Ctime_point | A time point for timed wait, as clocks from the standard are not available on RIOT |
Ctry_to_lock_t | Tag type for try lock strategy |
Cunique_lock | C++11 compliant implementation of unique lock |