No Matches
include Directory Reference




 Analog utility function interfaces.
 Platform-independent access to architecture details.
 API of the utility functions for atomic accesses.
 Auto-initialization utilities.
 BCD definitions.
 Interface for running simple benchmarks.
 Bit access macros with bit-banding support for Cortex-M based CPUs.
 bitfields operations on bitfields of arbitrary length
 Bloom filter API.
 Functions to work with different byte orders.
 C++ compatibility of default C11 atomics types.
 cb_mux interface definitions
 Chunked Ringbuffer.
 CoRE Link Format encoding and decoding library public definitions.
 System core clock utility functions.
 Headers for the color handling module.
 RIOT unit tests for C++.
 GPIO wrapper for debugging/profiling purposes.
 eepreg interface definitions
 libc header for endian conversion
 Event API.
 evtimer API definitions
 Message box based evtimer event.
 IPC-based evtimer definitions.
 Utility functions, macros, and types for read-only memory.
 String formatting API.
 Table extension of the string formatting API.
 Hash function API.
 iolist scatter / gather IO
 Provides a C++ RAI based API to control interrupt processing.
 isrpipe Interface
 Header of the unique ID generation module.
 The Matstat library uses single pass algorithms to compute statistic measures such as mean and variance over many values.
 Interface definition to access the Mineplex font.
 Generic data container for physical data interface.
 Layered low power mode infrastructure.
 A simple CLI progress bar.
 List information about all active threads.
 Pointer Tagging Helpers.
 Common interface to the software PRNG.
 SAUL registry interface definition.
 Round Robin Scheduler.
 Scheduler statisctics.
 Semaphore definitions.
 Inverse Semaphore definitions.
 Basic SenML types.
 Serial Number Arithmetic (RFC 1982)
 Shell interface definition.
 Shell interface definition.
 Utility functions that are missing in string.h
 Utility header providing time unit defines.
 Utility library for comparing and computing timestamps.
 Tiny strerror() implementation.
 Utility library for struct tm.
 Trace program flows.
 Trickle timer interface definition.
 Thread-safe ringbuffer interface definition.
 Unaligned but safe memory access functions.
 Types and functions for operating universal addresses.
 Definition of global compile time configuration options.
 URI template processor definitions.
 Macros for basic linked list operations.
 RFC 4122 UUID functions
 VFS layer API declarations.
 VFS default mount points.
 VFS helper functions.
 Utility functions for non-atomic but volatile access.
 xtimer interface definitions
 32bit -> 16bit pointer compression implementation
 ztimer API
 ztimer 64bit API