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Compile time configurations

List of compile-time configurations. More...

Detailed Description

List of compile-time configurations.

This group contains all compile-time configurations macros that are intended to be modified by the user.

These configuration macros are defined within modules like this:


Because of that, configurations can be altered e.g via CFLAGS (e.g CFLAGS += -DSOME_CONFIGURATION_PARAM=SOME_VALUE)


 (D)TLS Credential Manager compile configurations
 Actuator Device Configurations
 Compile time configurations for actuating devices.
 CPU Configurations
 Compile time configurations for different kinds of CPU.
 CSMA/CA helper compile configurations
 CoAP compile configurations
 CoRE RD Configuration
 Configuration options for CoRE RD endpoints and lookup clients.
 CongURE compile time configuration
 Configuration for congestion control using CongURE - A Congestion control framework.
 Core initialization compile configuration
 Custom ethertype
 Custom ethertype definition.
 DHCPv6 compile configurations
 DNS message parsing and composition configuration
 DNS over DTLS compile-time configuration
 Display Device Configurations
 Compile time configurations for display devices.
 ESP common compile configurations
 Compile-time configuration macros for Espressif ESP SoCs.
 ESP32 compile configurations
 Compile-time configuration macros for ESP32x SoCs.
 ESP8266 compile configurations
 Compile-time configuration macros for ESP8266 modules.
 Entropy Source compile configurations
 GCoAP DNS over CoAP client configuration
 GCoAP compile configurations
 GNRC compile configurations
 Group of GNRC network stack compile time configurations.
 IEEE802.15.4 compile configurations
 Link layer address filter compile configurations
 LoRa modulation compile configurations
 LoRaMAC compile configurations
 MQTT client compile configurations
 Compile time configurations for different implementations of MQTT clients.
 Miscellaneous Device Configurations
 Compile time configurations for different kinds of devices that do not match any other category.
 NanoCBOR configuration header
 Provides compile-time configuration for nanocbor.
 Network Device Configurations
 Compile time configurations for external network devices.
 Network interfaces compile configurations
 POSIX wrapper compile configurations
 SM_PWM_01C compile configurations
 SOCK compile configurations
 Group of compile time configurations related to SOCK.
 Sensor Device Configurations
 Compile time configurations for Sensors.
 Shell compile time configurations
 Soft Peripheral Configurations
 Compile time configurations for Software emulated Peripheral Driver Interface for UART, SPI, etc.
 Storage Device Configurations
 Compile time configurations for storage devices.
 Tinydtls compile time configuration
 Provides compile-time configuration for tinydtls.
 USB peripheral compile time configurations
 WDT compile configurations
 Wakaama LwM2M Client configuration
 Configuration options for the LwM2M client implementation based on the Wakaama package.
 Wakaama LwM2M platform adaption
 Compile-time configuration options for the Wakaama LwM2M platform adaption layer.
 libSCHC compile-time configuration
 Compile-time configuration for libSCHC.
 nanoCoAP compile configurations


file  cpu_conf_esp32.h
 Compile-time configuration macros for ESP32 SoCs.
file  cpu_conf_esp32c3.h
 Compile-time configuration macros for ESP32-C3 SoCs.
file  cpu_conf_esp32s2.h
 Compile-time configuration macros for ESP32-S2 SoCs.
file  cpu_conf_esp32s3.h
 Compile-time configuration macros for ESP32-S3 SoCs.