No Matches
gcoap.h File Reference

gcoap definition More...

Detailed Description

#include <stdint.h>
#include "event/callback.h"
#include "event/timeout.h"
#include "net/ipv6/addr.h"
#include "net/sock/udp.h"
#include "net/nanocoap.h"
#include "net/nanocoap/cache.h"
#include "timex.h"
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Data Structures

struct  coap_link_encoder_ctx_t
 Context information required to write a resource link. More...
struct  gcoap_socket_t
 CoAP socket to handle multiple transport types. More...
struct  gcoap_listener
 A modular collection of resources for a server. More...
struct  gcoap_resend_t
 Extends request memo for resending a confirmable request. More...
struct  gcoap_request_memo
 Memo to handle a response for a request. More...
struct  gcoap_observe_memo_t
 Memo for Observe registration and notifications. More...


#define CONFIG_GCOAP_PORT   (5683)
 Server port; use RFC 7252 default if not defined.
#define CONFIG_GCOAPS_PORT   (5684)
 Secure Server port; use RFC 7252 default if not defined.
 Timeout for the DTLS handshake process.
 Number of minimum available sessions.
 Timeout for freeing up a session when minimum number of available sessions is not given.
 Size of the buffer used to build a CoAP request or response.
 Maximum number of requests awaiting a response.
#define GCOAP_TOKENLEN_MAX   (8)
 Maximum length in bytes for a token.
#define GCOAP_HEADER_MAXLEN   (sizeof(coap_hdr_t) + GCOAP_TOKENLEN_MAX)
 Maximum length in bytes for a header, including the token.
 Length in bytes for a token.
 Marks the boundary between header and payload.
 Disables gcoap startup during system auto init.
#define GCOAP_SEND_LIMIT_NON   (-1)
 Value for send_limit in request memo when non-confirmable type.
 Turns off retransmission backoff when defined (undefined per default)
 Default time to wait for a non-confirmable response [in msec].
 Maximum number of Observe clients.
 Maximum number of local notifying endpoint addresses.
 Maximum number of registrations for Observable resources.
 Width in bytes of the Observe option value for a notification.
 Count of PDU buffers available for resending confirmable messages.


typedef ssize_t(* gcoap_link_encoder_t) (const coap_resource_t *resource, char *buf, size_t maxlen, coap_link_encoder_ctx_t *context)
 Handler function to write a resource link.
typedef struct gcoap_listener gcoap_listener_t
 Forward declaration of the gcoap listener state container.
typedef int(* gcoap_request_matcher_t) (gcoap_listener_t *listener, const coap_resource_t **resource, coap_pkt_t *pdu)
 Handler function for the request matcher strategy.
typedef struct gcoap_request_memo gcoap_request_memo_t
 Forward declaration of the request memo type.
typedef void(* gcoap_resp_handler_t) (const gcoap_request_memo_t *memo, coap_pkt_t *pdu, const sock_udp_ep_t *remote)
 Handler function for a server response, including the state for the originating request.


enum  gcoap_socket_type_t { GCOAP_SOCKET_TYPE_UNDEF = 0x0 , GCOAP_SOCKET_TYPE_UDP = 0x1 , GCOAP_SOCKET_TYPE_DTLS = 0x2 }
 CoAP socket types. More...


kernel_pid_t gcoap_init (void)
 Initializes the gcoap thread and device.
void gcoap_register_listener (gcoap_listener_t *listener)
 Starts listening for resource paths.
const coap_resource_tgcoap_get_resource_by_path_iterator (const gcoap_listener_t **last_listener, const coap_resource_t *last_resource, const char *uri_path)
 Iterate through all registered listeners and check for a resource, matching by uri_path.
int gcoap_req_init_path_buffer (coap_pkt_t *pdu, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, unsigned code, const char *path, size_t path_len)
 Initializes a CoAP request PDU on a buffer.
static int gcoap_req_init (coap_pkt_t *pdu, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, unsigned code, const char *path)
 Initializes a CoAP request PDU on a buffer.
static ssize_t gcoap_request (coap_pkt_t *pdu, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, unsigned code, char *path)
 Writes a complete CoAP request PDU when there is not a payload.
ssize_t gcoap_req_send (const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const sock_udp_ep_t *remote, const sock_udp_ep_t *local, gcoap_resp_handler_t resp_handler, void *context, gcoap_socket_type_t tl_type)
 Sends a buffer containing a CoAP request to the provided endpoint.
static ssize_t gcoap_req_send_tl (const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const sock_udp_ep_t *remote, gcoap_resp_handler_t resp_handler, void *context, gcoap_socket_type_t tl_type)
 Sends a buffer containing a CoAP request to the provided endpoint.
int gcoap_resp_init (coap_pkt_t *pdu, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, unsigned code)
 Initializes a CoAP response packet on a buffer.
static ssize_t gcoap_response (coap_pkt_t *pdu, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, unsigned code)
 Writes a complete CoAP response PDU when there is no payload.
int gcoap_obs_init (coap_pkt_t *pdu, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const coap_resource_t *resource)
 Initializes a CoAP Observe notification packet on a buffer, for the observer registered for a resource.
size_t gcoap_obs_send (const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const coap_resource_t *resource)
 Sends a buffer containing a CoAP Observe notification to the observer registered for a resource.
int gcoap_obs_req_forget (const sock_udp_ep_t *remote, const uint8_t *token, size_t tokenlen)
 Forgets (invalidates) an existing observe request.
uint8_t gcoap_op_state (void)
 Provides important operational statistics.
int gcoap_get_resource_list (void *buf, size_t maxlen, uint8_t cf, gcoap_socket_type_t tl_type)
 Get the resource list, currently only CoRE Link Format (COAP_FORMAT_LINK) supported.
ssize_t gcoap_encode_link (const coap_resource_t *resource, char *buf, size_t maxlen, coap_link_encoder_ctx_t *context)
 Writes a resource in CoRE Link Format to a provided buffer.
sock_dtls_tgcoap_get_sock_dtls (void)
 Get the underlying DTLS socket of gcoap.
static coap_hdr_tgcoap_request_memo_get_hdr (const gcoap_request_memo_t *memo)
 Get the header of a request from a gcoap_request_memo_t.

States for the memo used to track waiting for a response

#define GCOAP_MEMO_UNUSED   (0)
 This memo is unused.
 Request sent, retransmitting until response arrives.
#define GCOAP_MEMO_WAIT   (2)
 Request sent; awaiting response.
#define GCOAP_MEMO_RESP   (3)
 Got response.
#define GCOAP_MEMO_TIMEOUT   (4)
 Timeout waiting for response.
#define GCOAP_MEMO_ERR   (5)
 Error processing response packet.
 Got response, but it got truncated into the receive buffer that is now incomplete.

States for the memo used to track Observe registrations

 This memo is unused.
#define GCOAP_OBS_MEMO_IDLE   (1)
 Registration OK; no current activity.
 Resource changed; notification pending.

Return values for gcoap_obs_init()


#define GCOAP_OBS_INIT_OK   (0)
#define GCOAP_OBS_INIT_ERR   (-1)
#define GCOAP_OBS_INIT_UNUSED   (-2)
 Stack size for module thread.
 Extra stack for VFS operations.

Bitwise positional flags for encoding resource links

 initialize as for first resource in a list

Return values for resource related operations