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Low level device structure for ESP32 CAN (extension of candev_t) More...

Detailed Description

Low level device structure for ESP32 CAN (extension of candev_t)

STM32 CAN device descriptor.

Definition at line 64 of file can_esp.h.

#include <can_esp.h>

Data Fields

candev_t candev
 candev base structure
canopt_state_t state
 current state of device
struct can_frametx_frame
 frame in transmission

struct can_frame rx_frames [ESP_CAN_MAX_RX_FRAMES]
 frames received

struct can_filter rx_filters [ESP_CAN_MAX_RX_FILTERS]
 acceptance filter list
uint32_t rx_frames_wptr
 pointer to ring buffer for write
uint32_t rx_frames_rptr
 pointer to ring buffer for read

uint32_t rx_frames_num
 number of frames in ring buffer

uint32_t rx_filter_num
 number of acceptance filters

bool powered_up
 device is powered up
uint32_t events
 events triggered by the last interrupt
const can_conf_tconf
gpio_t rx_pin
 RX pin.
gpio_t tx_pin
 TX pin.
gpio_af_t af
 Alternate pin function to use.
const struct can_frametx_mailbox [CAN_STM32_TX_MAILBOXES]
 Tx mailboxes.
candev_stm32_rx_fifo_t rx_fifo
 Rx FIFOs.
candev_stm32_isr_t isr_flags
 ISR flags.
const can_frame_ttx_mailbox [FDCAN_STM32_TX_MAILBOXES]
 Tx mailboxes.
candev_stm32_rx_mailbox_t rx_mailbox
 Rx mailboxes.

Field Documentation

◆ af

gpio_af_t can::af

Alternate pin function to use.

Definition at line 170 of file candev_stm32.h.

◆ candev

candev_t can::candev

candev base structure

Common candev struct.

Definition at line 65 of file can_esp.h.

◆ conf

const can_conf_t * can::conf


Definition at line 167 of file candev_stm32.h.

◆ events

uint32_t can::events

events triggered by the last interrupt

Definition at line 79 of file can_esp.h.

◆ isr_flags

candev_stm32_isr_t can::isr_flags

ISR flags.

Definition at line 174 of file candev_stm32.h.

◆ powered_up

bool can::powered_up

device is powered up

Definition at line 77 of file can_esp.h.

◆ rx_fifo

candev_stm32_rx_fifo_t can::rx_fifo


Definition at line 173 of file candev_stm32.h.

◆ rx_filter_num

uint32_t can::rx_filter_num

number of acceptance filters

Definition at line 75 of file can_esp.h.

◆ rx_filters

struct can_filter can::rx_filters[ESP_CAN_MAX_RX_FILTERS]

acceptance filter list

Definition at line 70 of file can_esp.h.

◆ rx_frames

struct can_frame can::rx_frames[ESP_CAN_MAX_RX_FRAMES]

frames received

Definition at line 69 of file can_esp.h.

◆ rx_frames_num

uint32_t can::rx_frames_num

number of frames in ring buffer

Definition at line 74 of file can_esp.h.

◆ rx_frames_rptr

uint32_t can::rx_frames_rptr

pointer to ring buffer for read

Definition at line 73 of file can_esp.h.

◆ rx_frames_wptr

uint32_t can::rx_frames_wptr

pointer to ring buffer for write

Definition at line 72 of file can_esp.h.

◆ rx_mailbox

candev_stm32_rx_mailbox_t can::rx_mailbox

Rx mailboxes.

Definition at line 409 of file fdcandev_stm32.h.

◆ rx_pin

gpio_t can::rx_pin

RX pin.

Definition at line 168 of file candev_stm32.h.

◆ state

canopt_state_t can::state

current state of device

Definition at line 66 of file can_esp.h.

◆ tx_frame

struct can_frame* can::tx_frame

frame in transmission

Definition at line 68 of file can_esp.h.

◆ tx_mailbox [1/2]

const struct can_frame* can::tx_mailbox[CAN_STM32_TX_MAILBOXES]

Tx mailboxes.

Definition at line 172 of file candev_stm32.h.

◆ tx_mailbox [2/2]

const can_frame_t* can::tx_mailbox[FDCAN_STM32_TX_MAILBOXES]

Tx mailboxes.

Definition at line 408 of file fdcandev_stm32.h.

◆ tx_pin

gpio_t can::tx_pin

TX pin.

Definition at line 169 of file candev_stm32.h.

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