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APDS99XX device initialization parameters. More...

Detailed Description

APDS99XX device initialization parameters.

Definition at line 326 of file apds99xx.h.

#include <apds99xx.h>

Data Fields

unsigned dev
 I2C device (default I2C_DEV(0))
uint16_t als_steps
 ALS integration time in steps.
apds99xx_als_gain_t als_gain
 Gain used for ALS.
uint8_t prx_pulses
 IR LED pulses for proximity sensing.
apds99xx_prx_drive_t prx_drive
 IR LED current for proximity sensing (default APDS99XX_PRX_DRIVE_100)
apds99xx_prx_gain_t prx_gain
 Gain used for proximity sensing.
uint16_t wait_steps
 Waiting time in steps.
bool wait_long
 Long waiting time.
gpio_t int_pin
 interrupt pin: GPIO_UNDEF if not used

Field Documentation

◆ als_gain

apds99xx_als_gain_t apds99xx_params_t::als_gain

Gain used for ALS.

(default APDS99XX_ALS_GAIN_1)

Definition at line 332 of file apds99xx.h.

◆ als_steps

uint16_t apds99xx_params_t::als_steps

ALS integration time in steps.

If 0, ALS is disabled. (default 64)

Definition at line 330 of file apds99xx.h.

◆ dev

unsigned apds99xx_params_t::dev

I2C device (default I2C_DEV(0))

Definition at line 328 of file apds99xx.h.

◆ int_pin

gpio_t apds99xx_params_t::int_pin

interrupt pin: GPIO_UNDEF if not used

Definition at line 348 of file apds99xx.h.

◆ prx_drive

apds99xx_prx_drive_t apds99xx_params_t::prx_drive

IR LED current for proximity sensing (default APDS99XX_PRX_DRIVE_100)

Definition at line 338 of file apds99xx.h.

◆ prx_gain

apds99xx_prx_gain_t apds99xx_params_t::prx_gain

Gain used for proximity sensing.

(default APDS99XX_PRX_GAIN_1)

Definition at line 340 of file apds99xx.h.

◆ prx_pulses

uint8_t apds99xx_params_t::prx_pulses

IR LED pulses for proximity sensing.

If 0, proximity sensing is disabled. (default 8 as recommended)

Definition at line 335 of file apds99xx.h.

◆ wait_long

bool apds99xx_params_t::wait_long

Long waiting time.

If true, waitng time is increased by a factor 12. (default false)

Definition at line 345 of file apds99xx.h.

◆ wait_steps

uint16_t apds99xx_params_t::wait_steps

Waiting time in steps.

If 0, waiting is disabled. (default 0)

Definition at line 343 of file apds99xx.h.

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