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cc2538_sys_ctrl_t Struct Reference

System Control component registers. More...

Detailed Description

System Control component registers.

Definition at line 32 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.

#include <cc2538_sys_ctrl.h>

Data Fields

union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   CLOCK_CTRL 
 Clock control register. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   SYS_DIV: 3 
 System clock rate setting. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED1: 5 
 Reserved bits. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   IO_DIV: 3 
 I/O clock rate setting. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED2: 5 
 Reserved bits. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   OSC: 1 
 System clock oscillator selection. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   OSC_PD: 1 
 Oscillator power-down. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED3: 3 
 Reserved bits. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   AMP_DET: 1 
 Amplitude detector of XOSC during power up. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED4: 2 
 Reserved bits. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   OSC32K: 1 
 32-kHz clock oscillator selection More...
      cc2538_reg_t   OSC32K_CADIS: 1 
 Disable calibration 32-kHz RC oscillator. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED5: 6 
 Reserved bits. More...
   }   CLOCK_CTRLbits 
 Clock control register.
union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   CLOCK_STA 
 Clock status register. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   SYS_DIV: 3 
 Current functional frequency for system clock. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED6: 5 
 Reserved bits. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   IO_DIV: 3 
 Current functional frequency for IO_CLK. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED7: 5 
 Reserved bits. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   OSC: 1 
 Current clock source selected. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   OSC_PD: 1 
 Oscillator power-down. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   HSOSC_STB: 1 
 HSOSC stable status. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   XOSC_STB: 1 
 XOSC stable status. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   SOURCE_CHANGE: 1 
 System clock source change. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED8: 1 
 Reserved bits. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RST: 2 
 Last source of reset. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   OSC32K: 1 
 Current 32-kHz clock oscillator selected. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   OSC32K_CALDIS: 1 
 Disable calibration 32-kHz RC oscillator. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   SYNC_32K: 1 
 32-kHz clock source synced to undivided system clock (16 or 32 MHz) More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED9: 5 
 Reserved bits. More...
   }   CLOCK_STAbits 
 Clock status register.
cc2538_reg_t RCGCGPT
 Module clocks for GPT[3:0] when the CPU is in active (run) mode.
cc2538_reg_t SCGCGPT
 Module clocks for GPT[3:0] when the CPU is in sleep mode.
cc2538_reg_t DCGCGPT
 Module clocks for GPT[3:0] when the CPU is in PM0.
cc2538_reg_t SRGPT
 Reset for GPT[3:0].
cc2538_reg_t RCGCSSI
 Module clocks for SSI[1:0] when the CPU is in active (run) mode.
cc2538_reg_t SCGCSSI
 Module clocks for SSI[1:0] when the CPU is insSleep mode.
cc2538_reg_t DCGCSSI
 Module clocks for SSI[1:0] when the CPU is in PM0.
cc2538_reg_t SRSSI
 Reset for SSI[1:0].
union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   RCGCUART 
 Module clocks for UART[1:0] when the CPU is in active (run) mode. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   UART0: 1 
 Enable UART0 clock in active (run) mode. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   UART1: 1 
 Enable UART1 clock in active (run) mode. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED: 30 
 Reserved bits. More...
   }   RCGCUARTbits 
 UART module clock register - active mode.
union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   SCGCUART 
 Module clocks for UART[1:0] when the CPU is in sleep mode. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   UART0: 1 
 Enable UART0 clock in sleep mode. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   UART1: 1 
 Enable UART1 clock in sleep mode. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED: 30 
 Reserved bits. More...
   }   SCGCUARTbits 
 UART module clock register - sleep mode.
union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   DCGCUART 
 Module clocks for UART[1:0] when the CPU is in PM0. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   UART0: 1 
 Enable UART0 clock in PM0. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   UART1: 1 
 Enable UART1 clock in PM0. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED: 30 
 Reserved bits. More...
   }   DCGCUARTbits 
 UART module clock register - PM0 mode.
cc2538_reg_t SRUART
 Reset for UART[1:0].
cc2538_reg_t RCGCI2C
 Module clocks for I2C when the CPU is in active (run) mode.
cc2538_reg_t SCGCI2C
 Module clocks for I2C when the CPU is in sleep mode.
cc2538_reg_t DCGCI2C
 Module clocks for I2C when the CPU is in PM0.
cc2538_reg_t SRI2C
 Reset for I2C.
cc2538_reg_t RCGCSEC
 Module clocks for the security module when the CPU is in active (run) mode.
cc2538_reg_t SCGCSEC
 Module clocks for the security module when the CPU is in sleep mode.
cc2538_reg_t DCGCSEC
 Module clocks for the security module when the CPU is in PM0.
cc2538_reg_t SRSEC
 Reset for the security module.
cc2538_reg_t PMCTL
 Power mode.
cc2538_reg_t SRCRC
 CRC on state retention.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED10 [5]
 Reserved bits.
cc2538_reg_t PWRDBG
 Power debug register.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED11 [2]
 Reserved bits.
cc2538_reg_t CLD
 This register controls the clock loss detection feature.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED12 [4]
 Reserved bits.
cc2538_reg_t IWE
 This register controls interrupt wake-up.
cc2538_reg_t I_MAP
 This register selects which interrupt map to be used.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED13 [3]
 Reserved bits.
cc2538_reg_t RCGCRFC
 This register defines the module clocks for RF CORE when the CPU is in active (run) mode.
cc2538_reg_t SCGCRFC
 This register defines the module clocks for RF CORE when the CPU is in sleep mode.
cc2538_reg_t DCGCRFC
 This register defines the module clocks for RF CORE when the CPU is in PM0.
cc2538_reg_t EMUOVR
 This register defines the emulator override controls for power mode and peripheral clock gate.

Field Documentation


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::AMP_DET

Amplitude detector of XOSC during power up.

Definition at line 47 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::CLD

This register controls the clock loss detection feature.

Definition at line 138 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::CLOCK_CTRL

Clock control register.

Definition at line 38 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::CLOCK_STA

Clock status register.

Definition at line 59 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::DCGCGPT

Module clocks for GPT[3:0] when the CPU is in PM0.

Definition at line 81 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::DCGCI2C

Module clocks for I2C when the CPU is in PM0.

Definition at line 127 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::DCGCRFC

This register defines the module clocks for RF CORE when the CPU is in PM0.

Definition at line 145 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::DCGCSEC

Module clocks for the security module when the CPU is in PM0.

Definition at line 131 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::DCGCSSI

Module clocks for SSI[1:0] when the CPU is in PM0.

Definition at line 85 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::DCGCUART

Module clocks for UART[1:0] when the CPU is in PM0.

Definition at line 116 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::EMUOVR

This register defines the emulator override controls for power mode and peripheral clock gate.

Definition at line 146 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::HSOSC_STB

HSOSC stable status.

Definition at line 67 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::I_MAP

This register selects which interrupt map to be used.

Definition at line 141 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::IO_DIV

I/O clock rate setting.

Current functional frequency for IO_CLK.

Definition at line 42 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::IWE

This register controls interrupt wake-up.

Definition at line 140 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::OSC

System clock oscillator selection.

Current clock source selected.

Definition at line 44 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.

◆ OSC32K

cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::OSC32K

32-kHz clock oscillator selection

Current 32-kHz clock oscillator selected.

Definition at line 49 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::OSC32K_CADIS

Disable calibration 32-kHz RC oscillator.

Definition at line 50 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::OSC32K_CALDIS

Disable calibration 32-kHz RC oscillator.

Definition at line 73 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::OSC_PD

Oscillator power-down.

Definition at line 45 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::PMCTL

Power mode.

Definition at line 133 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::PWRDBG

Power debug register.

Definition at line 136 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RCGCGPT

Module clocks for GPT[3:0] when the CPU is in active (run) mode.

Definition at line 79 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RCGCI2C

Module clocks for I2C when the CPU is in active (run) mode.

Definition at line 125 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RCGCRFC

This register defines the module clocks for RF CORE when the CPU is in active (run) mode.

Definition at line 143 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RCGCSEC

Module clocks for the security module when the CPU is in active (run) mode.

Definition at line 129 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RCGCSSI

Module clocks for SSI[1:0] when the CPU is in active (run) mode.

Definition at line 83 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RCGCUART

Module clocks for UART[1:0] when the CPU is in active (run) mode.

Definition at line 92 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 96 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED1

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 41 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED10[5]

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 135 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED11[2]

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 137 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED12[4]

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 139 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED13[3]

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 142 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED2

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 43 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED3

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 46 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED4

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 48 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED5

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 51 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED6

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 62 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED7

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 64 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED8

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 70 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RESERVED9

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 75 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::RST

Last source of reset.

Definition at line 71 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SCGCGPT

Module clocks for GPT[3:0] when the CPU is in sleep mode.

Definition at line 80 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SCGCI2C

Module clocks for I2C when the CPU is in sleep mode.

Definition at line 126 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SCGCRFC

This register defines the module clocks for RF CORE when the CPU is in sleep mode.

Definition at line 144 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SCGCSEC

Module clocks for the security module when the CPU is in sleep mode.

Definition at line 130 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SCGCSSI

Module clocks for SSI[1:0] when the CPU is insSleep mode.

Definition at line 84 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SCGCUART

Module clocks for UART[1:0] when the CPU is in sleep mode.

Definition at line 104 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SOURCE_CHANGE

System clock source change.

Definition at line 69 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SRCRC

CRC on state retention.

Definition at line 134 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SRGPT

Reset for GPT[3:0].

Definition at line 82 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SRI2C

Reset for I2C.

Definition at line 128 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SRSEC

Reset for the security module.

Definition at line 132 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SRSSI

Reset for SSI[1:0].

Definition at line 86 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SRUART

Reset for UART[1:0].

Definition at line 124 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.

◆ SYNC_32K

cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SYNC_32K

32-kHz clock source synced to undivided system clock (16 or 32 MHz)

Definition at line 74 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::SYS_DIV

System clock rate setting.

Current functional frequency for system clock.

Definition at line 40 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::UART0

Enable UART0 clock in active (run) mode.

Enable UART0 clock in PM0.

Enable UART0 clock in sleep mode.

Definition at line 94 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::UART1

Enable UART1 clock in active (run) mode.

Enable UART1 clock in PM0.

Enable UART1 clock in sleep mode.

Definition at line 95 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_sys_ctrl_t::XOSC_STB

XOSC stable status.

Definition at line 68 of file cc2538_sys_ctrl.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: