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cc2538_rfcore_t Struct Reference

RF Core component registers. More...

Detailed Description

RF Core component registers.

Definition at line 33 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.

#include <cc2538_rfcore.h>

Data Fields

cc2538_reg_t FFSM_SRCRESMASK0
 RF Source address matching result.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_SRCRESMASK1
 RF Source address matching result.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_SRCRESMASK2
 RF Source address matching result.
 RF Source address matching result.
 RF Source address matching control.
 RF Source address matching control.
 RF Source address matching control.
 RF Source address matching control.
 RF Source address matching control.
 RF Source address matching control.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_EXT_ADDR0
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_EXT_ADDR1
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_EXT_ADDR2
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_EXT_ADDR3
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_EXT_ADDR4
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_EXT_ADDR5
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_EXT_ADDR6
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_EXT_ADDR7
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_PAN_ID0
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_PAN_ID1
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_SHORT_ADDR0
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t FFSM_SHORT_ADDR1
 RF Local address information.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED1 [10]
 Reserved bytes.
union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   XREG_FRMFILT0 
 RF Frame Filter 0. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   FRAME_FILTER_EN: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   PAN_COORDINATOR: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   MAX_FRAME_VERSION: 2 
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED: 28 
   }   XREG_FRMFILT0bits 
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FRMFILT1
 RF Frame Filter 1.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_SRCMATCH
 RF Source address matching and pending bits.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_SRCSHORTEN0
 RF Short address matching.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_SRCSHORTEN1
 RF Short address matching.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_SRCSHORTEN2
 RF Short address matching.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_SRCEXTEN0
 RF Extended address matching.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_SRCEXTEN1
 RF Extended address matching.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_SRCEXTEN2
 RF Extended address matching.
union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   XREG_FRMCTRL0 
 RF Frame handling. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   TX_MODE: 2 
      cc2538_reg_t   RX_MODE: 2 
      cc2538_reg_t   ENERGY_SCAN: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   AUTOACK: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   AUTOCRC: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   APPEND_DATA_MODE: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED: 24 
   }   XREG_FRMCTRL0bits 
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FRMCTRL1
 RF Frame handling.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RXENABLE
 RF RX enabling.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RXMASKSET
 RF RX enabling.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RXMASKCLR
 RF RX disabling.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FREQTUNE
 RF Crystal oscillator frequency tuning.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FREQCTRL
 RF Controls the RF frequency.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_TXPOWER
 RF Controls the output power.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_TXCTRL
 RF Controls the TX settings.
union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   XREG_FSMSTAT0 
 RF Radio status register. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   FSM_FFCTRL_STATE: 6 
      cc2538_reg_t   CAL_RUNNING: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   CAL_DONE: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED: 24 
   }   XREG_FSMSTAT0bits 
union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   XREG_FSMSTAT1 
 RF Radio status register. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   RX_ACTIVE: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   TX_ACTIVE: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   LOCK_STATUS: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   SAMPLED_CCA: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   CCA: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   SFD: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   FIFOP: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   FIFO: 1 
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED: 24 
   }   XREG_FSMSTAT1bits 
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FIFOPCTRL
 RF FIFOP threshold.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FSMCTRL
 RF FSM options.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_CCACTRL0
 RF CCA threshold.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_CCACTRL1
 RF Other CCA Options.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RSSI
 RF RSSI status register.
union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   XREG_RSSISTAT 
 RF RSSI valid status register. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   RSSI_VALID: 1 
 RSSI value is valid. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED: 31 
 Reserved bits. More...
   }   XREG_RSSISTATbits 
 RSSI status register.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RXFIRST
 RF First byte in RX FIFO.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RXFIFOCNT
 RF Number of bytes in RX FIFO.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_TXFIFOCNT
 RF Number of bytes in TX FIFO.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RXFIRST_PTR
 RF RX FIFO pointer.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RXLAST_PTR
 RF RX FIFO pointer.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RXP1_PTR
 RF RX FIFO pointer.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED2
 Reserved bytes.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_TXFIRST_PTR
 RF TX FIFO pointer.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_TXLAST_PTR
 RF TX FIFO pointer.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RFIRQM0
 RF interrupt masks.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RFIRQM1
 RF interrupt masks.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RFERRM
 RF error interrupt mask.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED3
 Reserved bytes.
union { 
   cc2538_reg_t   XREG_RFRND 
 RF Random data. More...
   struct { 
      cc2538_reg_t   IRND: 1 
 Random bit from the I channel of the receiver. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   QRND: 1 
 Random bit from the Q channel of the receiver. More...
      cc2538_reg_t   RESERVED: 30 
 Reserved bits. More...
   }   XREG_RFRNDbits 
 RF random data register.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_MDMCTRL0
 RF Controls modem.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_MDMCTRL1
 RF Controls modem.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FREQEST
 RF Estimated RF frequency offset.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RXCTRL
 RF Tune receive section.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FSCTRL
 RF Tune frequency synthesizer.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FSCAL0
 RF Tune frequency calibration.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FSCAL1
 RF Tune frequency calibration.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FSCAL2
 RF Tune frequency calibration.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_FSCAL3
 RF Tune frequency calibration.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_AGCCTRL0
 RF AGC dynamic range control.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_AGCCTRL1
 RF AGC reference level.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_AGCCTRL2
 RF AGC gain override.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_AGCCTRL3
 RF AGC control.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_ADCTEST0
 RF ADC tuning.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_ADCTEST1
 RF ADC tuning.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_ADCTEST2
 RF ADC tuning.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_MDMTEST0
 RF Test register for modem.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_MDMTEST1
 RF Test Register for Modem.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_DACTEST0
 RF DAC override value.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_DACTEST1
 RF DAC override value.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_DACTEST2
 RF DAC test setting.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_ATEST
 RF Analog test control.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_PTEST0
 RF Override power-down register.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_PTEST1
 RF Override power-down register.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED4 [32]
 Reserved bytes.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_CSPCTRL
 RF CSP control bit.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_CSPSTAT
 RF CSP status register.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_CSPX
 RF CSP X data register.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_CSPY
 RF CSP Y data register.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_CSPZ
 RF CSP Z data register.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_CSPT
 RF CSP T data register.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED5 [5]
 Reserved bytes.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RFC_OBS_CTRL0
 RF observation mux control.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RFC_OBS_CTRL1
 RF observation mux control.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_RFC_OBS_CTRL2
 RF observation mux control.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED6 [12]
 Reserved bytes.
cc2538_reg_t XREG_TXFILTCFG
 RF TX filter configuration.
cc2538_reg_t RESERVED7 [5]
 Reserved bytes.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_MTCSPCFG
 RF MAC Timer event configuration.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_MTCTRL
 RF MAC Timer control register.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_MTIRQM
 RF MAC Timer interrupt mask.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_MTIRQF
 RF MAC Timer interrupt flags.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_MTMSEL
 RF MAC Timer multiplex select.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_MTM0
 RF MAC Timer multiplexed register 0.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_MTM1
 RF MAC Timer multiplexed register 1.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_MTMOVF2
 RF MAC Timer multiplexed overflow register 2.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_MTMOVF1
 RF MAC Timer multiplexed overflow register 1.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_MTMOVF0
 RF MAC Timer multiplexed overflow register 0.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_RFDATA
cc2538_reg_t SFR_RFERRF
 RF error interrupt flags.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_RFIRQF1
 RF interrupt flags.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_RFIRQF0
 RF interrupt flags.
cc2538_reg_t SFR_RFST
 RF CSMA-CA/strobe processor.

Field Documentation


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::APPEND_DATA_MODE

Definition at line 85 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::AUTOACK

Definition at line 83 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::AUTOCRC

Definition at line 84 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::CAL_DONE

Definition at line 104 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::CAL_RUNNING

Definition at line 103 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::CCA

Definition at line 116 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::ENERGY_SCAN

Definition at line 82 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_EXT_ADDR0

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 44 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_EXT_ADDR1

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 45 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_EXT_ADDR2

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 46 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_EXT_ADDR3

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 47 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_EXT_ADDR4

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 48 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_EXT_ADDR5

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 49 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_EXT_ADDR6

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 50 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_EXT_ADDR7

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 51 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_PAN_ID0

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 52 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_PAN_ID1

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 53 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SHORT_ADDR0

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 54 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SHORT_ADDR1

RF Local address information.

Definition at line 55 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SRCEXTPENDEN0

RF Source address matching control.

Definition at line 38 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SRCEXTPENDEN1

RF Source address matching control.

Definition at line 39 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SRCEXTPENDEN2

RF Source address matching control.

Definition at line 40 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SRCRESINDEX

RF Source address matching result.

Definition at line 37 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SRCRESMASK0

RF Source address matching result.

Definition at line 34 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SRCRESMASK1

RF Source address matching result.

Definition at line 35 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SRCRESMASK2

RF Source address matching result.

Definition at line 36 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SRCSHORTPENDEN0

RF Source address matching control.

Definition at line 41 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SRCSHORTPENDEN1

RF Source address matching control.

Definition at line 42 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FFSM_SRCSHORTPENDEN2

RF Source address matching control.

Definition at line 43 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FIFO

Definition at line 119 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FIFOP

Definition at line 118 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FRAME_FILTER_EN

Definition at line 61 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::FSM_FFCTRL_STATE

Definition at line 102 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::IRND

Random bit from the I channel of the receiver.

Definition at line 161 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::LOCK_STATUS

Definition at line 114 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::MAX_FRAME_VERSION

Definition at line 63 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::PAN_COORDINATOR

Definition at line 62 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::QRND

Random bit from the Q channel of the receiver.

Definition at line 162 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RESERVED

Reserved bits.

Definition at line 64 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RESERVED1[10]

Reserved bytes.

Definition at line 56 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RESERVED2

Reserved bytes.

Definition at line 147 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RESERVED3

Reserved bytes.

Definition at line 153 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RESERVED4[32]

Reserved bytes.

Definition at line 191 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RESERVED5[5]

Reserved bytes.

Definition at line 198 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RESERVED6[12]

Reserved bytes.

Definition at line 202 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RESERVED7[5]

Reserved bytes.

Definition at line 204 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RSSI_VALID

RSSI value is valid.

Definition at line 136 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RX_ACTIVE

Definition at line 112 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::RX_MODE

Definition at line 81 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SAMPLED_CCA

Definition at line 115 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFD

Definition at line 117 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_MTCSPCFG

RF MAC Timer event configuration.

Definition at line 205 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_MTCTRL

RF MAC Timer control register.

Definition at line 206 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_MTIRQF

RF MAC Timer interrupt flags.

Definition at line 208 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_MTIRQM

RF MAC Timer interrupt mask.

Definition at line 207 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_MTM0

RF MAC Timer multiplexed register 0.

Definition at line 210 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_MTM1

RF MAC Timer multiplexed register 1.

Definition at line 211 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_MTMOVF0

RF MAC Timer multiplexed overflow register 0.

Definition at line 214 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_MTMOVF1

RF MAC Timer multiplexed overflow register 1.

Definition at line 213 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_MTMOVF2

RF MAC Timer multiplexed overflow register 2.

Definition at line 212 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_MTMSEL

RF MAC Timer multiplex select.

Definition at line 209 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_RFDATA


Definition at line 215 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_RFERRF

RF error interrupt flags.

Definition at line 216 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_RFIRQF0

RF interrupt flags.

Definition at line 218 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_RFIRQF1

RF interrupt flags.

Definition at line 217 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::SFR_RFST

RF CSMA-CA/strobe processor.

Definition at line 219 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::TX_ACTIVE

Definition at line 113 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::TX_MODE

Definition at line 80 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_ADCTEST0

RF ADC tuning.

Definition at line 180 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_ADCTEST1

RF ADC tuning.

Definition at line 181 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_ADCTEST2

RF ADC tuning.

Definition at line 182 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_AGCCTRL0

RF AGC dynamic range control.

Definition at line 176 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_AGCCTRL1

RF AGC reference level.

Definition at line 177 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_AGCCTRL2

RF AGC gain override.

Definition at line 178 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_AGCCTRL3

RF AGC control.

Definition at line 179 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_ATEST

RF Analog test control.

Definition at line 188 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_CCACTRL0

RF CCA threshold.

Definition at line 126 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_CCACTRL1

RF Other CCA Options.

Definition at line 127 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_CSPCTRL

RF CSP control bit.

Definition at line 192 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_CSPSTAT

RF CSP status register.

Definition at line 193 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_CSPT

RF CSP T data register.

Definition at line 197 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_CSPX

RF CSP X data register.

Definition at line 194 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_CSPY

RF CSP Y data register.

Definition at line 195 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_CSPZ

RF CSP Z data register.

Definition at line 196 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_DACTEST0

RF DAC override value.

Definition at line 185 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_DACTEST1

RF DAC override value.

Definition at line 186 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_DACTEST2

RF DAC test setting.

Definition at line 187 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FIFOPCTRL

RF FIFOP threshold.

Definition at line 124 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FREQCTRL

RF Controls the RF frequency.

Definition at line 95 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FREQEST

RF Estimated RF frequency offset.

Definition at line 169 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FREQTUNE

RF Crystal oscillator frequency tuning.

Definition at line 94 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FRMCTRL0

RF Frame handling.

Definition at line 78 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FRMCTRL1

RF Frame handling.

Definition at line 90 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FRMFILT0

RF Frame Filter 0.

Definition at line 59 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FRMFILT1

RF Frame Filter 1.

Definition at line 68 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FSCAL0

RF Tune frequency calibration.

Definition at line 172 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FSCAL1

RF Tune frequency calibration.

Definition at line 173 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FSCAL2

RF Tune frequency calibration.

Definition at line 174 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FSCAL3

RF Tune frequency calibration.

Definition at line 175 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FSCTRL

RF Tune frequency synthesizer.

Definition at line 171 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FSMCTRL

RF FSM options.

Definition at line 125 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FSMSTAT0

RF Radio status register.

Definition at line 100 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_FSMSTAT1

RF Radio status register.

Definition at line 110 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_MDMCTRL0

RF Controls modem.

Definition at line 167 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_MDMCTRL1

RF Controls modem.

Definition at line 168 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_MDMTEST0

RF Test register for modem.

Definition at line 183 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_MDMTEST1

RF Test Register for Modem.

Definition at line 184 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_PTEST0

RF Override power-down register.

Definition at line 189 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_PTEST1

RF Override power-down register.

Definition at line 190 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RFC_OBS_CTRL0

RF observation mux control.

Definition at line 199 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RFC_OBS_CTRL1

RF observation mux control.

Definition at line 200 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RFC_OBS_CTRL2

RF observation mux control.

Definition at line 201 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RFERRM

RF error interrupt mask.

Definition at line 152 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RFIRQM0

RF interrupt masks.

Definition at line 150 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RFIRQM1

RF interrupt masks.

Definition at line 151 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RFRND

RF Random data.

Definition at line 159 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RSSI

RF RSSI status register.

Definition at line 128 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RSSISTAT

RF RSSI valid status register.

Definition at line 134 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RXCTRL

RF Tune receive section.

Definition at line 170 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RXENABLE

RF RX enabling.

Definition at line 91 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RXFIFOCNT

RF Number of bytes in RX FIFO.

Definition at line 142 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RXFIRST

RF First byte in RX FIFO.

Definition at line 141 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RXFIRST_PTR

RF RX FIFO pointer.

Definition at line 144 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RXLAST_PTR

RF RX FIFO pointer.

Definition at line 145 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RXMASKCLR

RF RX disabling.

Definition at line 93 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RXMASKSET

RF RX enabling.

Definition at line 92 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_RXP1_PTR

RF RX FIFO pointer.

Definition at line 146 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_SRCEXTEN0

RF Extended address matching.

Definition at line 73 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_SRCEXTEN1

RF Extended address matching.

Definition at line 74 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_SRCEXTEN2

RF Extended address matching.

Definition at line 75 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_SRCMATCH

RF Source address matching and pending bits.

Definition at line 69 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_SRCSHORTEN0

RF Short address matching.

Definition at line 70 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_SRCSHORTEN1

RF Short address matching.

Definition at line 71 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_SRCSHORTEN2

RF Short address matching.

Definition at line 72 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_TXCTRL

RF Controls the TX settings.

Definition at line 97 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_TXFIFOCNT

RF Number of bytes in TX FIFO.

Definition at line 143 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_TXFILTCFG

RF TX filter configuration.

Definition at line 203 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_TXFIRST_PTR

RF TX FIFO pointer.

Definition at line 148 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_TXLAST_PTR

RF TX FIFO pointer.

Definition at line 149 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.


cc2538_reg_t cc2538_rfcore_t::XREG_TXPOWER

RF Controls the output power.

Definition at line 96 of file cc2538_rfcore.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: