Angular rate values in tenths of a degree per second.
Angular rate values in tenths of a degree per second.
Definition at line 126 of file itg320x.h.
#include <itg320x.h>
int16_t | x |
| angular rate x-axis (roll)
int16_t | y |
| angular rate y-axis (pitch)
int16_t | z |
| angular rate y-axis (yaw)
int16_t itg320x_data_t::x |
angular rate x-axis (roll)
Definition at line 127 of file itg320x.h.
int16_t itg320x_data_t::y |
angular rate y-axis (pitch)
Definition at line 128 of file itg320x.h.
int16_t itg320x_data_t::z |
angular rate y-axis (yaw)
Definition at line 129 of file itg320x.h.
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