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Support for the GD32VF103C-START board More...

Detailed Description

Support for the GD32VF103C-START board

Marian Buschsieweke


The GD32VF103C-START development board is an official starter kit by GigaDevice for the GD32VF103CBT6 MCU, despite the lack of official documentation. It featrures:

Image of the GD32VF103C-START board

The analog pins are labeled A1 - A6 rather than A0 - A5, as would be the correct Arduino naming. The Arduino pin mapping uses the correct Arduino naming, so that apps written for other boards expecting Arduino UNO compatible shields remain compatible.


MCU GD32VF103CBT6 Supported
Family RISC-V with ECLIC
Vendor GigaDevice
RAM 32 KiB
Flash 128 KiB
Frequency 108 MHz
Power Modes 3 (Sleep, Deep Sleep, Standby) yes
GPIOs 37 yes
Timers 5 x 16-bit timer yes
RTC 1 x 32-bit counter, 20-bit prescaler yes
WDT 2 x 12-bit counter, 3-bit prescaler yes
ADC 2 x 12-bit units, 16 channels @ 1 Msps yes
DAC 2 x 12-bit channel yes
UART - yes
USART 3 yes
SPI 3 yes
I2C 2 x Fast Mode 400 kHz yes
I2S 2 no
CAN 2 x CAN 2.0B with up to 1 Mbps no
PWM 6 Channels yes
USB 1 x USB FS OTG (+ GD-Link + UART bridge) yes
Vcc 3.0V - 3.6V
Datasheet Datasheet
User Manual User Manual
Board Manual Board Manual


Flashing seems to fail with some Arduino UNO compatible boards attached. Remove them and try again.

By default, flashing is done via OpenOCD using the GD-Link programmer/debugger using:

make BOARD=gd32vf103c-start -C path/to/app flash

It is also possible to flash via DFU-Util:

  1. Connect a mini USB cable to the USB connector labeled OTG.
  2. Power the board (e.g. by connecting a second mini USB cable to the GD-Link programmer/debugger, even though we won't use it)
  3. Enter the DFU bootloader by placing the jumper on JP4 (below BOOT) in position H. Press the reset button afterwards.
  4. Run make BOARD=gd32vf103c-start PROGRAMMER=dfu-util -C path/to/app flash
  5. Restore the JP4 jumper to position L. Afterwards press the reset button again

Connecting to the Serial Output

By default RIOT's uses UART for stdio. To access that, connect a mini USB cable to the connector labeled "USART". In addition a jumper needs to be placed on JP2 in the "Usart" position; otherwise RIOT's TXD is not connected to the RXD of the integrated USB UART bridge. Afterwards just run:

make BOARD=gd32vf103c-start -C path/to/app term

Alternatively, stdio_cdc_acm can be used. In this case the mini USB cable needs to be connected to the USB connector labeled OTG.

It is safe to keep the jumper at JP2 in "Usart" position or even remove the jumper with RIOT. PA9 is still used as UART/TXD and VBUS sensing is disabled anyway.


file  arduino_iomap.h
 Mapping from MCU pins to Arduino pins.
file  board.h
 Board specific definitions for the GD32VF103C-START board.
file  gpio_params.h
 Configuration of SAUL mapped GPIO pins.
file  periph_conf.h
 Board specific definitions for the GD32VF103C-START board.