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aux_sysif_regs_t Struct Reference

AUX_SYSIF registers. More...

Detailed Description

AUX_SYSIF registers.

Definition at line 173 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.

#include <cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h>

Data Fields

 Operational Mode Request.
 Operational Mode Acknowledgement.
reg32_t PROGWU0CFG
 Programmable Wakeup 0 Configuration.
reg32_t PROGWU1CFG
 Programmable Wakeup 1 Configuration.
reg32_t PROGWU2CFG
 Programmable Wakeup 2 Configuration.
reg32_t PROGWU3CFG
 Programmable Wakeup 3 Configuration.
reg32_t SWWUTRIG
 Software Wakeup Triggers.
reg32_t WUFLAGS
 Wakeup Flags.
 Wakeup Flags Clear.
reg32_t WUGATE
 Wakeup Gate.
reg32_t VECCFG0
 Vector Configuration 0.
reg32_t VECCFG1
 Vector Configuration 1.
reg32_t VECCFG2
 Vector Configuration 2.
reg32_t VECCFG3
 Vector Configuration 3.
reg32_t VECCFG4
 Vector Configuration 4.
reg32_t VECCFG5
 Vector Configuration 5.
reg32_t VECCFG6
 Vector Configuration 6.
reg32_t VECCFG7
 Vector Configuration 7.
 Event Synchronization Rate.
 Peripheral Operational Rate.
 ADC Clock Control.
 TDC Counter Clock Control.
 TDC Reference Clock Control.
 AUX_TIMER2 Clock Control.
 AUX_TIMER2 Clock Status.
 AUX_TIMER2 Clock Switch.
 AUX_TIMER2 Debug Control.
reg32_t __reserved1
 Clock Shift Detection.
 VDDR Recharge Trigger.
 VDDR Recharge Detection.
 Real Time Counter Sub Second Increment 0.
 Real Time Counter Sub Second Increment 1.
 Real Time Counter Sub Second Increment Control.
reg32_t RTCSEC
 Real Time Counter Second.
 Real Time Counter Sub-Second.
reg32_t RTCEVCLR
 AON_RTC Event Clear.
 AON_BATMON Battery Voltage Value.
reg32_t __reserved2
 AON_BATMON Temperature Value.
 Timer Halt.
reg32_t __reserved3 [0x3]
 AUX_TIMER2 Bridge.
 Software Power Profiler.

Field Documentation

◆ __reserved1

reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::__reserved1


Definition at line 201 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.

◆ __reserved2

reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::__reserved2


Definition at line 212 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.

◆ __reserved3

reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::__reserved3[0x3]


Definition at line 215 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::ADCCLKCTL

ADC Clock Control.

Definition at line 194 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::BATMONBAT

AON_BATMON Battery Voltage Value.

Definition at line 211 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::BATMONTEMP

AON_BATMON Temperature Value.

Definition at line 213 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::CLKSHIFTDET

Clock Shift Detection.

Definition at line 202 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::EVSYNCRATE

Event Synchronization Rate.

Definition at line 192 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::OPMODEACK

Operational Mode Acknowledgement.

Definition at line 175 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::OPMODEREQ

Operational Mode Request.

Definition at line 174 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::PEROPRATE

Peripheral Operational Rate.

Definition at line 193 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::PROGWU0CFG

Programmable Wakeup 0 Configuration.

Definition at line 176 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::PROGWU1CFG

Programmable Wakeup 1 Configuration.

Definition at line 177 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::PROGWU2CFG

Programmable Wakeup 2 Configuration.

Definition at line 178 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::PROGWU3CFG

Programmable Wakeup 3 Configuration.

Definition at line 179 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::RECHARGEDET

VDDR Recharge Detection.

Definition at line 204 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::RECHARGETRIG

VDDR Recharge Trigger.

Definition at line 203 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::RTCEVCLR

AON_RTC Event Clear.

Definition at line 210 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::RTCSEC

Real Time Counter Second.

Definition at line 208 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::RTCSUBSEC

Real Time Counter Sub-Second.

Definition at line 209 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::RTCSUBSECINC0

Real Time Counter Sub Second Increment 0.

Definition at line 205 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::RTCSUBSECINC1

Real Time Counter Sub Second Increment 1.

Definition at line 206 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::RTCSUBSECINCCTL

Real Time Counter Sub Second Increment Control.

Definition at line 207 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::SWPWRPROF

Software Power Profiler.

Definition at line 217 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::SWWUTRIG

Software Wakeup Triggers.

Definition at line 180 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::TDCCLKCTL

TDC Counter Clock Control.

Definition at line 195 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::TDCREFCLKCTL

TDC Reference Clock Control.

Definition at line 196 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::TIMER2BRIDGE

AUX_TIMER2 Bridge.

Definition at line 216 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::TIMER2CLKCTL

AUX_TIMER2 Clock Control.

Definition at line 197 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::TIMER2CLKSTAT

AUX_TIMER2 Clock Status.

Definition at line 198 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::TIMER2CLKSWITCH

AUX_TIMER2 Clock Switch.

Definition at line 199 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::TIMER2DBGCTL

AUX_TIMER2 Debug Control.

Definition at line 200 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::TIMERHALT

Timer Halt.

Definition at line 214 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::VECCFG0

Vector Configuration 0.

Definition at line 184 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::VECCFG1

Vector Configuration 1.

Definition at line 185 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::VECCFG2

Vector Configuration 2.

Definition at line 186 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::VECCFG3

Vector Configuration 3.

Definition at line 187 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::VECCFG4

Vector Configuration 4.

Definition at line 188 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::VECCFG5

Vector Configuration 5.

Definition at line 189 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::VECCFG6

Vector Configuration 6.

Definition at line 190 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::VECCFG7

Vector Configuration 7.

Definition at line 191 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::WUFLAGS

Wakeup Flags.

Definition at line 181 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::WUFLAGSCLR

Wakeup Flags Clear.

Definition at line 182 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.


reg32_t aux_sysif_regs_t::WUGATE

Wakeup Gate.

Definition at line 183 of file cc26x2_cc13x2_aux.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: