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flash_regs_t Struct Reference

FLASH registers. More...

Detailed Description

FLASH registers.

Definition at line 27 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

#include <cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h>

Data Fields

reg32_t __reserved1 [7]
reg32_t STAT
 FMC and efuse status.
reg32_t __reserved2
reg32_t CFG
 syscode start address offset config
reg32_t FLASH_SIZE
 flash size config
reg32_t __reserved3 [3]
reg32_t FWLOCK
 firmware lock
reg32_t FWFLAG
 firmware flags
reg32_t __reserved4 [0x3EF]
reg32_t EFUSE
 efuse instruction
 efuse address
 efuse data - upper
 efuse data - lower
reg32_t EFUSECFG
 OCP sysconf.
 system status
reg32_t ACC
 arbitrary instruction count
reg32_t BOUNDARY
 boundary test register to drive I/O
 efuse key loaded flag
reg32_t EFUSEKEY
 efuse key
 efuese release
 efuse pins
reg32_t EFUSECRA
 efuse column repair address
 efuse read
 efuse program
 efuse error
 single-bit error status
reg32_t TWOBIT
 two-bit error status
 self-test cycles
 self-test signature
reg32_t __reserved5 [0x3ec]
reg32_t FRDCTL
 FMC read control.
reg32_t FSPRD
 FMC read margin control.
reg32_t FEDACCTL1
 FMC error correction control 1.
reg32_t __reserved6 [4]
 FMC error status.
reg32_t __reserved7 [4]
reg32_t FBPROT
 FMC bank protection.
reg32_t FBSE
 FMC sector enable.
reg32_t FBBUSY
 FMC bank busy.
reg32_t FBAC
 FMC bank access control.
 FMC bank fallback power.
reg32_t FBPRDY
 FMC bank/pump ready.
reg32_t FPAC1
 FMC pump access control 1.
reg32_t FPAC2
 FMC pump access control 2.
reg32_t FMAC
 FMC module access control.
reg32_t FMSTAT
 FMC module status.
reg32_t __reserved8 [3]
reg32_t FLOCK
 FMC flash lock.
reg32_t __reserved9 [6]
reg32_t FVREADCT
reg32_t FVHVCT1
 FMC VHVCT1 trim.
reg32_t FVHVCT2
 FMC VHVCT2 trim.
reg32_t FVHVCT3
 FMC VHVCT3 trim.
reg32_t FVNVCT
 FMC VNVCT trim.
reg32_t FVSLP
 FMC VSL_P trim.
reg32_t FVWLCT
 FMC VWLCT trim.
 FMC efuse control.
 FMC efuse status.
 FMC efuse data.
reg32_t FSEQPMP
 FMC sequential pump information.
reg32_t __reserved10 [21]
 FMC bank signal strobe.
 FMC pump signal strobe.
reg32_t FBMODE
 FMC bank and pump mode.
reg32_t FTCR
 FMC test command control.
reg32_t FADDR
 FMC bank address.
reg32_t __reserved11 [2]
reg32_t FTCTL
 FMC test control.
reg32_t FWPWRITE0
 FMC flash wide programming write data 0.
reg32_t FWPWRITE1
 FMC flash wide programming write data 1.
reg32_t FWPWRITE2
 FMC flash wide programming write data 2.
reg32_t FWPWRITE3
 FMC flash wide programming write data 3.
reg32_t FWPWRITE4
 FMC flash wide programming write data 4.
reg32_t FWPWRITE5
 FMC flash wide programming write data 5.
reg32_t FWPWRITE6
 FMC flash wide programming write data 6.
reg32_t FWPWRITE7
 FMC flash wide programming write data 7.
 FMC flash wide programming ECC.
reg32_t FSWSTAT
 FMC software interface status.
reg32_t __reserved12 [0x2E]
reg32_t FSM_GLBCTL
 FMC FSM global control.
reg32_t FSM_STATE
 FMC FSM state status.
reg32_t FSM_STAT
 FMC FSM status.
reg32_t FSM_CMD
 FMC FSM command.
reg32_t FSM_PE_OSU
 FMC FSM program/erase operation setup.
reg32_t FSM_VSTAT
 FMC FSM voltage status setup.
reg32_t FSM_PE_VSU
 FMC FSM program/erase verify setup.
reg32_t FSM_CMP_VSU
 FMC FSM compare verify setup.
reg32_t FSM_EX_VAL
 FMC FSM EXECUTEZ to valid data.
reg32_t FSM_RD_H
 FMC FSM read mode hold.
reg32_t FSM_P_OH
 FMC FSM program hold.
reg32_t FSM_ERA_OH
 FMC FSM erase operation hold.
reg32_t FSM_SAV_PPUL
 FMC FSM saved program pulses.
reg32_t FSM_PE_VH
 FMC FSM program/erase verify hold.
reg32_t __reserved13 [2]
reg32_t FSM_PRG_PW
 FMC FSM program pulse width.
reg32_t FSM_ERA_PW
 FMC FSM erase pulse width.
reg32_t __reserved14 [3]
 FMC FSM saved erased pulses.
reg32_t FSM_TIMER
 FMC FSM timer.
reg32_t FSM_MODE
reg32_t FSM_PGM
 FMC FSM program bits.
reg32_t FSM_ERA
 FMC FSM erase bits.
reg32_t FSM_PRG_PUL
 FMC FSM maximum programming pulses.
reg32_t FSM_ERA_PUL
 FMC FSM maximum erase pulses.
 FMC FSM EC step size.
reg32_t FSM_PUL_CNTR
 FMC FSM pulse counter.
 FMC FSM EC step height.
reg32_t FSM_FLES
 FMC FSM FLES memory control bits.
reg32_t __reserved15
reg32_t FSM_WR_ENA
 FMC FSM register write enable.
reg32_t FSM_ACC_PP
 FMC FSM accumulate program pulses.
reg32_t FSM_ACC_EP
 FMC FSM accumulate erase pulses.
reg32_t __reserved16 [3]
reg32_t FSM_ADDR
 FMC FSM address.
reg32_t FSM_SECTOR
 FMC sectors erased.
reg32_t FMC_REV_ID
 FMC revision identification.
reg32_t FSM_ERR_ADDR
 FSM error address.
 FMC FSM maximum program pulse.
 FMC FSM command execute.
reg32_t __reserved17 [2]
reg32_t FSM_SECTOR1
 FMC FSM sector erased 1.
reg32_t FSM_SECTOR2
 FMC FSM sector erased 2.
reg32_t __reserved18 [6]
reg32_t FSM_BSLE0
 FMC FSM bank sector lock erase 0.
reg32_t FSM_BSLE1
 FMC FSM bank sector lock erase 1.
reg32_t __reserved19 [2]
reg32_t FSM_BSLP0
 FMC FSM bank sector lock program 0.
reg32_t FSM_BSLP1
 FMC FSM bank sector lock program 1.
reg32_t FSM_PGM_128
 Enable 128-bit programming.
reg32_t __reserved20 [0x41]
reg32_t FCFG_BANK
 FMC flash configuration bank.
 FMC flash wrapper configuration.
 FMC flash bank type.
reg32_t __reserved21
reg32_t FCFG_B0_START
 FMC flash bank 0 starting address.
reg32_t FCFG_B1_START
 FMC flash bank 1 starting address.
reg32_t FCFG_B2_START
 FMC flash bank 2 starting address.
reg32_t FCFG_B3_START
 FMC flash bank 3 starting address.
reg32_t FCFG_B4_START
 FMC flash bank 4 starting address.
reg32_t FCFG_B5_START
 FMC flash bank 5 starting address.
reg32_t FCFG_B6_START
 FMC flash bank 6 starting address.
reg32_t FCFG_B7_START
 FMC flash bank 7 starting address.
reg32_t FCFG_B0_SSIZE0
 FMC flash bank 0 sector size.

Field Documentation

◆ __reserved1

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved1[7]


Definition at line 28 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved10

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved10[21]


Definition at line 89 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved11

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved11[2]


Definition at line 95 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved12

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved12[0x2E]


Definition at line 107 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved13

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved13[2]


Definition at line 122 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved14

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved14[3]


Definition at line 125 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved15

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved15


Definition at line 138 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved16

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved16[3]


Definition at line 142 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved17

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved17[2]


Definition at line 149 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved18

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved18[6]


Definition at line 152 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved19

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved19[2]


Definition at line 155 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved2

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved2


Definition at line 30 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved20

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved20[0x41]


Definition at line 159 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved21

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved21


Definition at line 163 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved3

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved3[3]


Definition at line 34 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved4

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved4[0x3EF]


Definition at line 37 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved5

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved5[0x3ec]


Definition at line 58 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved6

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved6[4]


Definition at line 62 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved7

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved7[4]


Definition at line 64 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved8

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved8[3]


Definition at line 75 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ __reserved9

reg32_t flash_regs_t::__reserved9[6]


Definition at line 77 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::ACC

arbitrary instruction count

Definition at line 44 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::BOUNDARY

boundary test register to drive I/O

Definition at line 45 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::CFG


Definition at line 31 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::DATALOWER

efuse data - lower

Definition at line 41 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::DATAUPPER

efuse data - upper

Definition at line 40 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSE

efuse instruction

Definition at line 38 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSEADDR

efuse address

Definition at line 39 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSECFG

OCP sysconf.

Definition at line 42 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSECRA

efuse column repair address

Definition at line 50 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSEERROR

efuse error

Definition at line 53 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSEFLAG

efuse key loaded flag

Definition at line 46 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSEKEY

efuse key

Definition at line 47 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSEPINS

efuse pins

Definition at line 49 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSEPROGRAM

efuse program

Definition at line 52 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSEREAD

efuse read

Definition at line 51 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSERELEASE

efuese release

Definition at line 48 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::EFUSESTAT

system status

Definition at line 43 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FADDR

FMC bank address.

Definition at line 94 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FBAC

FMC bank access control.

Definition at line 68 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FBBUSY

FMC bank busy.

Definition at line 67 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FBFALLBACK

FMC bank fallback power.

Definition at line 69 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FBMODE

FMC bank and pump mode.

Definition at line 92 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FBPRDY

FMC bank/pump ready.

Definition at line 70 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FBPROT

FMC bank protection.

Definition at line 65 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FBSE

FMC sector enable.

Definition at line 66 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FBSTROBES

FMC bank signal strobe.

Definition at line 90 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_B0_SSIZE0

FMC flash bank 0 sector size.

Definition at line 172 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_B0_START

FMC flash bank 0 starting address.

Definition at line 164 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_B1_START

FMC flash bank 1 starting address.

Definition at line 165 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_B2_START

FMC flash bank 2 starting address.

Definition at line 166 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_B3_START

FMC flash bank 3 starting address.

Definition at line 167 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_B4_START

FMC flash bank 4 starting address.

Definition at line 168 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_B5_START

FMC flash bank 5 starting address.

Definition at line 169 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_B6_START

FMC flash bank 6 starting address.

Definition at line 170 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_B7_START

FMC flash bank 7 starting address.

Definition at line 171 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_BANK

FMC flash configuration bank.

Definition at line 160 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_BNK_TYPE

FMC flash bank type.

Definition at line 162 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FCFG_WRAPPER

FMC flash wrapper configuration.

Definition at line 161 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FEDACCTL1

FMC error correction control 1.

Definition at line 61 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FEDACSTAT

FMC error status.

Definition at line 63 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FEFUSECTL

FMC efuse control.

Definition at line 85 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FEFUSEDATA

FMC efuse data.

Definition at line 87 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FEFUSESTAT

FMC efuse status.

Definition at line 86 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FLASH_SIZE

flash size config

Definition at line 33 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FLOCK

FMC flash lock.

Definition at line 76 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FMAC

FMC module access control.

Definition at line 73 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FMC_REV_ID

FMC revision identification.

Definition at line 145 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FMSTAT

FMC module status.

Definition at line 74 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FPAC1

FMC pump access control 1.

Definition at line 71 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FPAC2

FMC pump access control 2.

Definition at line 72 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FPSTROBES

FMC pump signal strobe.

Definition at line 91 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FRDCTL

FMC read control.

Definition at line 59 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSEQPMP

FMC sequential pump information.

Definition at line 88 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_ACC_EP

FMC FSM accumulate erase pulses.

Definition at line 141 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_ACC_PP

FMC FSM accumulate program pulses.

Definition at line 140 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_ADDR

FMC FSM address.

Definition at line 143 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_BSLE0

FMC FSM bank sector lock erase 0.

Definition at line 153 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_BSLE1

FMC FSM bank sector lock erase 1.

Definition at line 154 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_BSLP0

FMC FSM bank sector lock program 0.

Definition at line 156 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_BSLP1

FMC FSM bank sector lock program 1.

Definition at line 157 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_CMD

FMC FSM command.

Definition at line 111 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_CMP_VSU

FMC FSM compare verify setup.

Definition at line 115 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_EC_STEP_HEIGHT

FMC FSM EC step height.

Definition at line 135 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_ERA

FMC FSM erase bits.

Definition at line 130 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_ERA_OH

FMC FSM erase operation hold.

Definition at line 119 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_ERA_PUL

FMC FSM maximum erase pulses.

Definition at line 132 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_ERA_PW

FMC FSM erase pulse width.

Definition at line 124 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_ERR_ADDR

FSM error address.

Definition at line 146 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_EX_VAL

FMC FSM EXECUTEZ to valid data.

Definition at line 116 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_EXECUTE

FMC FSM command execute.

Definition at line 148 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_FLES

FMC FSM FLES memory control bits.

Definition at line 137 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_GLBCTL

FMC FSM global control.

Definition at line 108 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_MODE


Definition at line 128 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_P_OH

FMC FSM program hold.

Definition at line 118 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_PE_OSU

FMC FSM program/erase operation setup.

Definition at line 112 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_PE_VH

FMC FSM program/erase verify hold.

Definition at line 121 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_PE_VSU

FMC FSM program/erase verify setup.

Definition at line 114 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_PGM

FMC FSM program bits.

Definition at line 129 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

◆ FSM_PGM_128

reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_PGM_128

Enable 128-bit programming.

CC26x2_CC13x2 only

Definition at line 158 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_PGM_MAXPUL

FMC FSM maximum program pulse.

Definition at line 147 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_PRG_PUL

FMC FSM maximum programming pulses.

Definition at line 131 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_PRG_PW

FMC FSM program pulse width.

Definition at line 123 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_PUL_CNTR

FMC FSM pulse counter.

Definition at line 134 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_RD_H

FMC FSM read mode hold.

Definition at line 117 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_SAV_ERA_PUL

FMC FSM saved erased pulses.

Definition at line 126 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_SAV_PPUL

FMC FSM saved program pulses.

Definition at line 120 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_SECTOR

FMC sectors erased.

Definition at line 144 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_SECTOR1

FMC FSM sector erased 1.

Definition at line 150 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_SECTOR2

FMC FSM sector erased 2.

Definition at line 151 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_ST_MACHINE


Definition at line 136 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_STAT

FMC FSM status.

Definition at line 110 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_STATE

FMC FSM state status.

Definition at line 109 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_STEP_SIZE

FMC FSM EC step size.

Definition at line 133 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_TIMER

FMC FSM timer.

Definition at line 127 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_VSTAT

FMC FSM voltage status setup.

Definition at line 113 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSM_WR_ENA

FMC FSM register write enable.

Definition at line 139 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSPRD

FMC read margin control.

Definition at line 60 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FSWSTAT

FMC software interface status.

Definition at line 106 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FTCR

FMC test command control.

Definition at line 93 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FTCTL

FMC test control.

Definition at line 96 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FVHVCT1

FMC VHVCT1 trim.

Definition at line 79 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FVHVCT2

FMC VHVCT2 trim.

Definition at line 80 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FVHVCT3

FMC VHVCT3 trim.

Definition at line 81 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FVNVCT


Definition at line 82 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FVREADCT


Definition at line 78 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FVSLP

FMC VSL_P trim.

Definition at line 83 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FVWLCT


Definition at line 84 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWFLAG

firmware flags

Definition at line 36 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWLOCK

firmware lock

Definition at line 35 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWPWRITE0

FMC flash wide programming write data 0.

Definition at line 97 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWPWRITE1

FMC flash wide programming write data 1.

Definition at line 98 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWPWRITE2

FMC flash wide programming write data 2.

Definition at line 99 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWPWRITE3

FMC flash wide programming write data 3.

Definition at line 100 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWPWRITE4

FMC flash wide programming write data 4.

Definition at line 101 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWPWRITE5

FMC flash wide programming write data 5.

Definition at line 102 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWPWRITE6

FMC flash wide programming write data 6.

Definition at line 103 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWPWRITE7

FMC flash wide programming write data 7.

Definition at line 104 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::FWPWRITE_ECC

FMC flash wide programming ECC.

Definition at line 105 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::SELFTESTCYC

self-test cycles

Definition at line 56 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::SELFTESTSIGN

self-test signature

Definition at line 57 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::SINGLEBIT

single-bit error status

Definition at line 54 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::STAT

FMC and efuse status.

Definition at line 29 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::SYSCODE_START

syscode start address offset config

Definition at line 32 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.


reg32_t flash_regs_t::TWOBIT

two-bit error status

Definition at line 55 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_vims.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: